

This policy controls the ability of a document to perform animations that require updates to layout, rather than simply repaints, which are typically cheaper and allow for smoother animations. So-called 'layout animations' can require significant CPU and often cannot be rendered smoothly.

If a document is disallowed from performing layout animations by this policy, only the inital and final states of the animation will be rendered.

How to apply this policy

Send the following HTTP header to control the layout-animations policy, and disallow it on all origins:

Feature-Policy: layout-animations 'none'

Does it work?

Currently Firefox, and Chromium based browsers, such as Google Chrome, Samsung Internet, and Opera, are the only user-agents to support Feature Policy. The minimum version that correctly recognises the layout-animations policy is:

Mozilla Firefox

Not supported

Google Chrome


Microsoft Edge

Not supported

Apple Safari

Not supported
